Hypatian Society

Rule 19 Your Right and Obligation To Protect
2009.10.03 CE

Rule 19 – You have a right and an obligation to protect yourself, your family and others against physical harm, slavery, oppression and death.

When one thinks about it there is no way that any government or society or any individual can protect you against physical harms. In order to accomplish this one half of the world would have to be protecting the other half and the protected half would have to be protecting the protectors. This is an absurdity and as such ultimately you are responsible for your life.

One must consider both your major society and your local society in determining how much you need to do to protect yourself. As a minimum you must ensure that your society allows you adequate protective devices consistent with the technology of the age.

Enslavement and oppression in this case implies physically controlling you by law or force for an extended period. It does not include parents limiting their children’s physical activities, or a states reasonable punishment for crimes.

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(Saturday July 1, 2023)