Hypatian Society

Rule 16 – Physical Violance
2009.10.06 CE

Rule 16 – Excluding reasonable unforced participatory activities and defense of self or other people against physical violence, or slavery, or oppression, physical violence in any form against other people or animals is wrong and shall be punished.

Basically one is not allowed to be physically violent towards any one else. And physically means just that, it does not include talking or writing ideas, even violent ones which are not real threats.

Excluded from this are activities where violent actions may be present (think hockey) or are deliberately a part of the activity, such as boxing. As long as the participants are doing it of their own free will then they should be allowed to do it.

Reasonable implies that the objective of the activity is not to do permanent damage to someone. In other words, getting depressed people to fight to the death is not reasonable!

And excluded from the no harm to others doctrine is when it involves defending yourself or others. And defending against includes against physical harm, physical intimidation, oppression, and slavery.

The response must be in proportion to the threat. In other words you cannot physically attack someone for raising their fist in anger. But if necessary you can physically attack someone who is attempting to physically enslave you.

Enslavement and oppression in this case implies physically controlling you by law or force for an extended period. It does not include parents limiting their children’s physical activities, or a states reasonable punishment for crimes.

Animals do not enjoy the rights of humans beyond the right to be in an appropriate environment when a pet, is in a humanely “natural” environment when raised for food, and in a truly natural environment otherwise. Animals which are a clear and present danger can be killed even if they are not attacking a human. Animals that are not in their appropriate environment but are not a clear and present danger must be moved to their appropriate environment with minimal harm.

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(Saturday July 1, 2023)